Being Heard & Held: A monthly online circle with Joss and Danni

from $60.00

Joss and Danni lovingly invite you to join them for a monthly online Aware Parenting Mother Circle. This circle online via zoom, will be a supportive self reflection and healing space on your Aware Parenting journey.

During our time together, you will be given time to connect inwards, share with others, practice active listening and offer yourself some self care. You are invited to turn up just as you are and share from your heart.

Choosing to Aware Parent and not having a physical village can often bring up feelings of loneliness and disconnection. We are inviting you to take a pause and spend some beautiful time in community with us and other like-minded mothers. It is an opportunity to reflect each month around a specific topic and to create some intentions for what you would like in your Aware Parenting journey for the month ahead. It is a space to receive empathy and support to revitalise you to be able to navigate parenting with more joyful connection with your family.


8:00-9:30pm (Melbourne time)


February: 21st

March: 20th


May: 29th

June: 26th

July: 24th

Cost: You can purchase 1, 3 or 5 circles. You will also need to purchase the self-reflection journal as we will be using this in circle each month to guide our topic and allow you to show up for a deeper sharing with us. This is a once time purchase.

Please note: If you have been in our ‘Exploring Aware Parenting Community’ previously, you will not need to purchase the self-reflection journal as you have already received it from there. You can access and download it under guides in the Facebook group.

Click here to purchase to the self reflection journal

Online via zoom- a zoom link will be sent out 1 day prior to the event.

We look forward to supporting you each month in this space,

Joss & Danni


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